

oc and fan art.

フォロー数:285 フォロワー数:119

Context: Every peep here has had an encounter with Galya where they escaped and let their original group die, so now they team up to beat him up again, or atleast try to. And Kuggo is the most dislikable character from the series, via design and personality, everyone hates him.

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I know it looks lazy but at this point I ain't changing it, also here's the 20 and 19 version.

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I don't know how to do the background, maybe when I'll feel like it ill continue it.

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Alright, colouring done. I'm either gonna leave like this or shade it later.

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Boredom has striked me, so here's the gang but with flat colours incase you were interested.

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// Most used words in my tweets. ( via )

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I have to do something about Sasha, her design is too cool to be forgotten but her original role didn't contribute anything important to the story.

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Don't mind me, just nostalgically drawing in MsPaint.

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