

It's meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Profile picture made by @friendkomori (:
See my silly doodles here: @7V_Yuril

フォロー数:3380 フォロワー数:135

I had to redo the emotes because they looked so bad scaled down.

Feel free to use these though.

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Finally made those emotes.

Affiliate here I come.

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4th outfit.

Considering a 5th but I'll save that for later.

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I have AT LEAST one more outfit planned.

Plus one surprise that won't be shown until much MUCH later.

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I also made a variant.

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This was supposed to be Peppa Lulu 2.0 but I think I got a little carried way with the details.

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Doodles from today's stream.

Thank you everyone who watched today.

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The hat too much more effort than I would have liked.

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