

Full time Elf, Part Time Dragon, White Mage for Life, RPG King of Canada (Allegedly), Streamer, Art Monkey, Professional Emotional Support Canadian

フォロー数:618 フォロワー数:424

Well while thats updating in the background, I'm in a Pokemon Mood, so I did ALOT of off screen grinding, lets go challenge Blaine in Fire Red

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Afternoon Afternoon, so it's been a rough couple days, so I'm going to relax and play some more Pokemon Fire Red, about to go beat Koga and Sabrina

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..........*Grabs Mal and proceeds to PvP*

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Morning Noon, hows it going, so I'm back to hopefully get some streaming in, we'll see how this week works out, and I want to get back to working on Pokemon Fire Red

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Morning Morn, Malice here, so after taking a little break for a week due to..... other games, I'm back with more Pokemon Fire Red, we just made it to Celadon City

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Morning Morning Malice here, going to continue with more Pokemon Fire Red, we got through Cerulean Gym and beat Misty yesterday

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Morning Morn Malice here...... it's been a hot minute since I've said that, so anyways I'm on a big of a Pokemon kick right now, so I'm going to play the games I always put off, starting with one of the most popular, Fire Red, starting in 15

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Morning Morning, Malice here, and and I are starting up Dragon Quest V for the PS2, lets experience the most unique Dragon Quest together~

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Evening Evening, same as it ever was, lets make a little more progress in Elden Ring

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Evening Evening, going to chill out and do more ......whatever in Elden Ring, getting my groove on here~

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