

Call me Mallow! / 27 / they/them /Animator/Artist/SVA Grad/ the driving force in most things I do is that I thought of a joke I wanna make / @shaymin88 ❤️

フォロー数:262 フォロワー数:300

the only shangri la i know is the song from corpse party so idk what the kpoppies on about as per usual but stan seiko

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she drew this for meeeee because she looooooves meeeee~~~

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also more well-versed jojo fans can one of you explain to me for what purpose they gave secco literally THE fattest ass on planet earth. maybe im just missing some lore ig

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This happens every time... (CW: blood )

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thinking about Aikawa

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BOOM! Finishing old WIPs with pizazz and flair..... but mostly gayness. that's the real secret trick. Liking girls. A lot.

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I drew this like over a year and a half ago and just never posted it at all. probably because it was saved as "???" giving me no indication what the fuck it was. I still don't know what it is I just draw girls

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only in fiction can i find men who are both as pretty as girls and also my type from a personality standpoint

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