MalphaSans | YS⭐️さんのプロフィール画像

MalphaSans | YS⭐️さんのイラストまとめ

#vtuber a en devenir; Celib; He, il; je suis gentil et je mord pas =D

フォロー数:233 フォロワー数:133

Voila ma dernier ilu de Silver the hedgehog
j'epere que vous aimez ^^

(timelaps dispo en com)

1 10

actualy they look like Vegeto potars in Z
its just that the potara Goku and Vegeta use in Super are the one from Kaioshin not the Elder kai (they use his in Z)

1 15

Tien Fritalo Ultra instinct metriser en bonus

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the SSR look inspired by the back cover of the 4th tome of DBS

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am new to drawing (less then 7 month since i start)

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Goku : Vegeta je suis a court de KI
Vegeta : de meme il ne reste plus qu'une chose faire

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