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“It’s a throw down, a showdown, Hell no I won’t slow down”, Darkseid versus the Last Son of Krypton, courtesy of Michael Turner. Another piece of #garagecomicbox gold. That pg 3 Wonder Woman shot is AWESOME
I think this #garagecomicbox find was my first Michael Turner book. Damn, that’s awesome stuff.
Soooooo busy, finding issues from this run of Patrick Gleason Green Lantern Corps in my #garagecomicbox is the favorite part of my week. I’m smitten with this art.
Then this, pg 1 - the vertical panel shot with Conan is gorgeous, zoom in for details, pg 2 - I’d buy the issue if the shot of Dane from below the dragon’s head was all there was, this is dynamite. Tartaglia’s colors are delicious icing.
Dane Whitman is a favorite so this was like water to the man crossing the desert. I have no idea of Dane’s recent history, so I took it in stride. Zircher’s action art is on point here, and Duggar’s sense of humor.
Patch Zircher Savage Avengers is one of my favorite things. This story has zigged and zagged, and the Art has been a highlight. Bold Valerio Giangiordano and Frank D’Armata cover.
CyberRad from Continuity comics, Neal Adams, Richard Bennett and Paul Mounts. The title was goofy and the stories WEIRD, but my god the art was wild. Cool cover/inside cover gimmick
Gulacy is the master of the dramatic shot, I enjoy every book by him I’ve ever read. I look for his work wherever I can.
In honor of Star Trek Day, here are four pieces of ST art for your pleasure - Fernando Reza, Joshua Budich, Paul Shipper, Tim Anderson