

Hong Kong 2D Game Artist. Man2/ManMan/M2(M two).

フォロー数:171 フォロワー数:908


When we love,
We strive to become better than we are.
When we strive to become better than we are,
everything around us becomes better too.

Happy Lantern Festival 🏮

212 371

Believe in what you've done by yourself
I will be there whenever U need me
We'll get through together

Good day begins with a smile🌟

【🎧Official Lyric Video :

P.S. Thank U TEeTEe

204 334

👶🏻You are never too old to become younger.🐰
As long as I am breathing,
in my eyes, I am just beginning.

And In the future, everything will be fulfilled

222 399

Never stop believing in Hope
Miracles will happen

184 220

🎉Happy New Year🎉

Wishing full of Joy & Peace.

Best of luck, Win the Lottery..55

Never stop getting more handsome every day😎

Always smile with no worries.
Stay Healthy.

Have more opportunities to show your talents
& wishing your dreams come true💛

193 323

No matter where we are or how far away we are from each other,
we will always find one another.
This is our destiny;
This is the power of love.


230 343

🎄Make a list of what's good about your life at the moment.
Focus on the positive aspects.
Be happy now.
Feel good now.
It's the thing we can do.

Wish U a Merry, Merry Christmas🎁

212 342

Nothing is more important than your happiness.
If you want to cry,
I am here to dry your eyes and in no time,
you’ll be fine..

Event : 20191216

Sweet Dreams

216 328

Are U suffering from a lack of vitamin TEE💊😷

20191213 - Twitter

Goodnight 💤

250 470