

Nightborne appreciator | Lots of art retweets

Occasionally nsfw

Icon by @Fusspot

フォロー数:1060 フォロワー数:3072

I think I figured out the what the final boss fight will be

83 441

Shout out to Samwise, his work really defined the Warcraft aesthetic

64 404

I cant believe people were mad about the leaf hair a few months ago

21 222

The Ancient of Lore is my personal favorite, I really wish there were more Ancient quest npcs we could interact with

8 45

In honor of TREE wining, lets look at some TREE concept art form Warcraft 3

As you can see Ancients come in wildly different shapes and sizes, so what the mount looks like is really anyone's guess!

50 232

Most Kyrian helmets block their vision

Nice design choice for the story being told in Bastion

24 298

The Horde fear this

34 263

It is a shame that most Elven cities are now crumbling ruins.

I do hope the Night Elves get a proper home again.

58 294

I don't want another time travel storyline, but it would be cool if we someday get to see the what the Apexis looked like at their peak.

5 10