

protOS.19.0 | M | INTJ-T | bi
| Digital-Artist/Designer
| System/Network engineer |
likes can be NSFW 🔞
Taken by: @MetalKetal42694

フォロー数:1358 フォロワー数:788

You do know about the absolutely massive amount of minors and safe for work folks over here, look I am not trying that furries also have a sexual side but it isn't the core, I vor example don't have anything to do with it. I just make some art and enjoy the awesome company

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I do art, love sci fi stuff
-character/armor concept art
-2D and kinda ok 3D
-Sometimes electronics
-sometimes vr sculpting
Idk I just try to do all of it.
It helps me think more freely if I have all of the tools at my disposal

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Hello my name is mando and I make things! I am using all types of mediums to do so.
Electronics, art, 3D modeling and maybe soon cosplay and game devolpment.
You get to have a say in what I make.
See some of my projects below.
Follow me for more awesome projects.
Thanks for 1year

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here are some images to show how much a cluster fust the old model is, parts clip, don't connect as they should, work hollowed out only, have gaps, weird pumps... these problems are why I never completed this build

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1v was my very first digital drawing and terabyte on the right is my current version of the design
Artists: me and me

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New painting!
Trying to understand how to paint fur

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hello mate! what do you think of my work?

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