

Mun: Neko, 24

Mun and Muse: Female, she/her

Art account :'D Maybe some RP's here and there but for now more art stuff

フォロー数:135 フォロワー数:220

//This sound like fun :D! I think Kirin would join xD

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//Made my AC Avatar some clothes and would love to make shoes and pants too qAq ♥️

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//I don't have this with Raven but just imagine Raven being like this ok? 😂😂

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//Gonna post an upgrade to Nox soon. This will be fun, excited to work on it😍

I think not everyone knows who I'm talking about. It's the skull from Raven's head xD He is not an accessory but an actual demon.

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4. Fav OC Design

Raven. Definitely. Love her colors and the hair-wing part xD

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//This is still my fav expression I've drawn and I kind of need this for Raven too because this account is more focused on Raven than my other OC's 😂😂💔💔


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OC's from and :'D I'm really slow so only got to draw two OC's but they were really fun xD

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//HAD to draw handsome snek! XD ♥️

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//No no you're not late! :dD Here you go!

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//I DID IT XDD My muses reaction to Taeya being an idiot and the whole with the "I'M SO F***ING DONE" Expression Meme xD

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