

Active whenever idk

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When I first started Ah-megami sama, I always thought Urd was best girl beforehand, but goddammit, I love belldandy too much!

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I know bout crusher joe!. The movie looks amazing and i love yoshikazu-san's designs. The livestream is unavailable where I live, but has an english bluray in america

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Final art dump of 2020, here's some of my favourites I didn't post before

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I made my attempt with light novels but honestly, im just not a book guy, but I liked haruhi, orphen and what I tried to read of index lol

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I find alot of these recent db memes very funny for some reason...

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He did an eureka 7 one too if u haven't seen it yet

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I hope they make toys for all the series too. I really want to see which company makes a new might gaine toy

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