

💀Moon/Miomu💀, 29, She/Her, 내용은 한국어, 일본어, 영어입니다.
🔞🔞🔞 세 이상입니다. 💜💀

フォロー数:1410 フォロワー数:449

I'm honestly fucking done

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hey I'm a mutual! but I'm just a soft..

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I wasnt really feeling todays inktober, well, more I just had a bit of a mentally taxing afternoon, so heres something atleast aa... not very spooky but sometimes trying to use your own hands can be a hypnotising process, before you know it you end up Mindless (get it?)

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Oh fuck its Inkotober whats this?? Ring on normal, Felines on Fur? Gimme that sports goth witch pleaseeee... I haven't actually finished a drawing in a long time...

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Hey I did some ko-fi sketches for you wonderful people! I'm still learning lots and thankyou so much for your support ;;

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Hey! I finished my first Ko-fi thing! They'll normally be a little sketchier/monochrome but I absolutely got carried away with 's wonderful character! If you'd like to get something of your own and help me out then hit up ! Thankyou Ponky ;;!!

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Things have been rough this month and I can't pay rent or buy my HRT, If you'd like to help me out I have a ko-fi and will also try my best to draw a little something for you if you'd like in exchange for your support ;; Here are some examples of my stuff!

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