

Vampire Vtuber over at
Trying to become a Writer

Business email: [email protected]

フォロー数:281 フォロワー数:245

I saw this and took emotional damage

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Thank y'all for coming to my birthday stream! It was tons of fun and we made a great apple pie. AND ALSO THANK YOU FOR THE NEW OUTFIT! Don't know if i remembered to say it, but this great chef outfit was made by THE Ringo go check her out!

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STREAM START. Playing Call of Cthulhu for the first time over on twitch! Hopefully the mind break won't be too painful?

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Just got my second pet ever in OSRS lets gooooooooooo

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These are pretty cool ngl

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Streaming some Genshin! Time to show off how weak my characters really are with their level 4 skills...

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My OBS scenes all decided to break 5 minutes before stream but guess whos streaming anyways! Genshin stuff happening today!

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I hate the ocean

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Ayo thank you for the tag Tramboi

Don't know if these are supposed to be my favorite games of all time or games I just enjoyed a lot, so have a little of both.


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