Marcello Mustoさんのプロフィール画像

Marcello Mustoさんのイラストまとめ

Professor of Sociological Theory at York University, Toronto.
Recent books: The Last Years of Karl Marx - The Marx Revival - Karl Marx's Writing on Alienation.

フォロー数:311 フォロワー数:22117

In "The Consumer Society" Baudrillard added that in our age "commodity logic has become generalized and governs not only labour processes and material products, but the whole of culture, sexuality, and human relations - including even fantasies and individual drives". 2/2

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Gramsci: "I hate that fall like fixed deadlines, that turn life into a commercial concern with its final balance. I choose my pauses myself. I don't want days of celebration with its mandatory collective rhythms, to share with all the strangers I don't care about". 1/2

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Marx’s mother once said to her son who was living in poverty: "Oh Karl if only you had made capital instead of writing about it!"
Fortunately, Marx did not listen to her and wrote what he called “the most terrible missile that has yet been hurled at the heads of the bourgeoisie.”

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kepada istrinya Jenny, 1856:
"Ketika kita berpisah, saya langsung menyadari bahwa waktu telah melakukan untuk cintaku apa yang matahari dan hujan lakukan untuk tanaman: telah membuatnya tumbuh. Cintaku untukmu muncul apa adanya: raksasa".

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Karl Marx to his wife Jenny, from a letter of 1856 when he was travelling:

"Spatial separation from you suffices to make me instantly aware that time has done for my love just what the sun and the rain do for plants: made it grow".

Happy Birthday born

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was born 130 years ago 22/1/1891
He said: “I hate the indifferent. I believe that living means taking sides. Those who really live cannot help being a citizen and a partisan. Indifference and apathy are parasitism, perversion, not life. That's why I hate the indifferent”

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Top 10 downloaded articles from in 2020

4. The Unfinished Critique of ‘Capital’

5. Revisiting Marx’s Concept of Alienation


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