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@aiww @aiww
Sketch inspired by photo by Joshua Roberts/Reuters. An African American soldier standing up to save American Democracy posing with an African American woman who sat down to save America’s soul. #USCapitol #RosaParks
Sketch inspired by photo by Joshua Roberts/Reuters. An African American soldier standing up to save American Democracy posing with an African American woman who sat down to save America’s soul. #USCapitol #RosaParks #MLK @Reuters @HolocaustMuseum @aiww
Sketch from still in eyewitness video. A gut wrenchingly horrific scene as #MAGA mob chanting “Sieg Heil” crushes a young police officer in a doorway. The #BlueLivesMatter #BackTheBlue terrorists killed one police officer, and attempted to kill this man as well. #CapitolRiot
My 40th birthday is fast approaching, (yippee), and I wanted to start sharing sketches I’ve done for the phenomenal group @EveryLastOne1 The kind, talented, determined souls in ELO do all they can to reunite separated children with their families. Pls donate if you can.
Sketch from eyewitness photo.
#AmeerAlHalbi, a Syrian photographer based in Paris, was horrendously beaten by the French police for taking photographs. As an American, I know how dangerous a government becomes when it starts assaulting journalists! @KenRoth @RonanLTynan
Sketch from eyewitness photo (incl. iron gall ink) via @SyriaCivilDef 5 people have died in northern #Syria, during the past 24 hours, including 3 confirmed cases of #CoronaVirus and 2suspected cases, bringing the total of those infected with the virus in northern Syria to 13,500
Sketch (including iron gall ink). Mayson Al Misri, a @SyriaCivilDef #WhiteHelmets hero who risked her life saving, healing, and educating her fellow #civilians in #Syria. She is one of the honorees of the 2020 #GandhiPeaceAward .
Sketch (including homemade iron gall ink).Via @SyriaCivilDef
Today We #LightACandle to remember the thousands of detainees in the regime's prisons as we will not forget them.We hear their cries, we agonize for them and we will continue to demand their freedom. #ACandleToRemember
Sketch from eyewitness video (including home made iron gall ink). A survivor of #Assad ‘s torture hell holes. “ Supposedly we survived” . The trauma of this evil haunts detainees and their families. #ACandleToRemember @HolocaustMuseum
Sketch (including homemade iron gall ink). My friend Mohamed Al Shami was tortured for three years in #Assad ‘s #Saydnaya prison for refusing to shoot unarmed civilians. #ACandleToRemember @HolocaustMuseum