

Desarrollador de Videojuegos, Compositor de Música Experimental, Modder de Minecraft, YouTuber, Pixel Artist y cuestionandome si Hytale es real o no...

フォロー数:106 フォロワー数:121

Nuevas plantas y micelio de glowshroom verde, y nuevo set de antorchas de cristal que son waterloggables e iluminan mas

New green glowshroom plants and mycelium, and also a new set of crystal torches that are waterloggable and emit more light

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Nuevo aspecto para las Esporas de Muertas y primer fluido añadido: Ácido Ceptídico

New look for the Death Spores and first fluid added: Ceptidic Acid

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Nuevo diseño para la Piedra Ácida, nuevo accesorio "Guijarros de Arensica" y Roca Lodosa

New design for the Acid Stone, new accesory "Sandstone Pebbles" and Muddy Rock

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Some more new textures for the Lavastone set, and the look for the Lavastone Mountains biome. It looks cooler now B)

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The 2 new effects are finished, they interact with the new energy system by modifying the looks of the gui bar

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