

Just your average, everyday genius who loves video games & anime. Life is love! Love is life! Top Waifus - Chiaki Nanami & Murasaki

フォロー数:60 フォロワー数:2597



& there's also cutie Tsubaki, all ready to wash up! \^W^/ So cute & soapy! x3 😍😍😍😍😍

8 28

Today's Yugiri's birthday! \^w^/ She's not exactly the most independent, & she's mostly a Milky Pop shinobi for the excitement, but she's still very optimistic & hard-working. & especially very cute! x3 Happy Birthday! 🎂\^w^/🎂

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Morning. ^w^///
(...also ...Meant to do this sooner, but lazy >~< ...but since it's now officially spoopy month, it works out \\>w<// 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙)

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Today's Reki's...uhh..."birthday"...Her birth date actually isn't known outside of "September"...which admittedly fits with how mysterious she is. 😅😅 ...but I guess people celebrate it today, so...appreciate her seductive beauty! x3 \>w</ Happy Birthday! 🎂\^w^/🎂

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Today is Kagura's.....well...technically, nobody knows her birth date since she's an almighty 1,000-year-old deity...but today's the anniversary of SK & SK2, so people celebrate it today. Very fitting for one of her stature & beauty. x3 Happy Birthday! 💖🎂\^W^/🎂💖

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Anyway...Who's ready with Senrans?! \\^o^// .....Well, apparently not Souji, cuz I guess she believes the others' cooking isn't good enough for her...maybe.....ewe.....but hey, she's also making her own stuff & looking great while doing it. x3 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤💖💖💖💖

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Gooooodnight guys. \\\>w<

8 29

New event time! Starring.....chenogasms! \^o^/ First up is Bashou!!! Very cute & sexy in that...uhh.....well, I guess it's not much of a chenogasm anymore. 😅😅😅.....Still beautiful though. 😍😍😍😍💚💚💚💚🤤🤤🤤🤤

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