

(Angie) | Female | 22 | Digital and Pixel artist | Beginner musician | Love ya @DILLAZOMBIKILLA 💙 | likes can get a bit spicy

フォロー数:1992 フォロワー数:2542

every copy o̴f̸ ̶b̵o̵w̸i̸e̷ ì̴̌s̸̉̂ p̴͋͗e̷͌̔r̸̿͘s̷̏̎ö̷̇ń̴͠ả̵̉l̶̇͝i̵̓͝z̴̀͠e̶̐̀ď̵̑

2 34

the journey from joke doodle to full character

0 14

not a mutual but it looked like fun so I'm gonna do it anyway and you can't stop me

0 15

as an experiment I wanted to see what bowie would look like if he was redesigned by some soulless company

I hate this, I hate it so much
look how I've massacred my boy

4 44

I see people post just their character in a chair or their character in a chair put in the image so I'm gonna post both

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