Mark Nobleさんのプロフィール画像

Mark Nobleさんのイラストまとめ

UK based - fine art, ceramics, abstract art. Capturing the wonders of nature. 'Turner of the 21st Century'. 'Painter of Light'. Ambassador for

フォロー数:4719 フォロワー数:3135

As an artist just you know more about your work and do work with artists is it possible send me some information about what you do do the opportunities and to Showcase art obvious to sell art forward from hearing from you you kind regards Mark

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as an artist I think your work is great I do like your or illustrations they are beautiful I've given your details for a disabled charity who works with people with learning disabilities how can I hear back kind regards Mark fine artist

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as an artist came across your work absolutely fantastic I think it is so important especially to wellbeing and health more about your work thank you for your time yours sincerely fine artist

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dear Ben as an artist I'm interested in knowing more about your work especially in health and well-being I do realise that artist what are has on people send me a sample of some of my work again thank you ever so much for your time kind regards Mark

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I am the artist from the UK your details through website I'm interested in knowing more about your work working with artists and wellbeing mental health which is so important today day I look forward to hearing from you thank you for your time kind regards Mark

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as an artist I was given your details for disability charity I'm interested to know more about the work maybe hopefully showcasing some of my paintings with you you I'm sending you an example of my work look forward from hearing from you you kind regards Mark

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