

フォロー数:387 フォロワー数:425

1999 - Final Fantasy VIII

Pretty unpopular opinion, but FF8 is one of my favorites. I happen to adore the characters, like the story very much, I fucking love the soundtrack, Triple Triad is goated and the junction system is overhated! Great game that influenced my taste a lot.

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2002 - Metal Gear Solid 2

Just realizing that MGS is always my GotY whenever one comes out... It's simply the best game series! MGS2 is also one of those games I beat about 20 times. Collecting dog tags on all difficulties and unlocking stuff really kept me engaged.

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2009 - Bayonetta

Still one of the best character action games out there and pretty much infinitely replayable. Really wish Bayonetta 3 would reach the heights of this one after 2 failed pretty miserably, but I don't have much hope. But you can always go back to this one!

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2017 - Breath of the Wild

Pretty obvious pick, but it's being highly regarded for a reason. I love how this game handled it's open world design and I really wish more developers would actually take inspiration from the right aspects of it. But it seems like nobody is able to.

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2019 - Devil May Cry 5

Luckily, I'm not one of these people who were disappointed by this one... DMC 5 did (almost) everything right for me and I gladly went back and replayed it on every difficulty setting to the point of S-ranking everything... One of my most rewarding plats.

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2007 - Sword of the Stranger

Fantastic and imo underrated anime movie with some fantastic animations. I watched that final fight a lot back in the day. Soundtrack is amazing, too.

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2008-2009 was EA's prime imo. They never quite returned to that level.

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44) TMNT: Shredder's Revenge

Definitely an enjoyable time! Only beat the story mode on hard for now, but I can see myself replaying it with other characters and checking out arcade mode. However, Streets of Rage 4 this is not. Taunts totally break the majority of the game.

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39) Mega Man X8

Surprisingly solid MMX title! After the desaster that was X7, this was a great step-up. Kind of a shame that the series didn't continue after this because it seemed like they were getting their footing back. But oh well, maybe someday.

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38) Resident Evil 4

Well, what can I say? I beat this game pretty much every year and this one's no exception. Played the PS4 version for the first time and... it felt exactly like the PS3 version to me. But I can get the trophies again, so there's that. A shame there's no plat.

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