

Weird Writer/Roleplayer. Loves reading up some love sum anime, and is a techie guy. About to have fun and sometimes posts lewd commissions gotten. Hablo Espanol

フォロー数:1149 フォロワー数:612

So apparently its s bday today? Figured I'd take the opportunity to share gifts I've gotten. Specifically of Runo since shes been such a huge influence for Mazqu. I still need to get more art of the two together sometime.

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"Carly" the eldritch offspring of my Outer god Mazqu. She can grow all sorts of powers and strength.... but unfortunately it resets every time she sleeps. Still, her body 'remembers' in a way and it gets easier the second go around....

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My Jpop Idol Hellish imp/Phantom Thief Naomie. Gloves taken by an Overlord, she can steal all sorts of stuffs~

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Stellar Nucleosynthesis

It weighs a thousand tonnes, yet can stand lightly as a feather on the head of a pin. To stand in its presence is to feel an oppressive air of tremendous enormity; as if something immense but invisible is sprawling out from within it....

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“Human? Fools! One might as well consider a doll or a mannequin ‘human’ simply because it possesses such a shape! But the masquerade is only a trifle such a thing. Only a whim,not truly meant to hide its true nature. For what has it to fear from being discovered?”

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Pic made by The ever wonderful Mazqu my lovecraftian outer god slurping the vestiges of spacetime.

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Helped me craft this this catastical superheroine. Enerkati

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