

Vibe guardian

フォロー数:889 フォロワー数:834

Soy fake Christians babyraging at free press

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He’s come a long way 😭

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country girls make do

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Been cooking something up in Strive

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I just attempted to meal prep for an entire week based almost solely on vibes even tho I can’t cook, just put the chicken in the oven, so it’s in gods hands now, let’s see how this shit goes

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I’m seeing excellent reviews for Xenoblade 3 and I’m thinking about getting it, but at the same time I just could not finish Xenoblade 2 so idk

Pic only loosely related

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We need THE BOY

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What characters do you want to see return?

I think I’m hoping for the return of these guys

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Etrigan is so rad

(Saga of The Swamp Thing)

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