

昭和生まれ (30↑ yo) 😂 English+日本語OK!

チキンなので無言フォロー失礼します m(_ _)m

フォロー数:473 フォロワー数:71

this pic also works for the whole shit we are throwing at him 🤭

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バカ親のバージル下さいな 👏👏👏

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thx to the recent valentine event, now I'm head over heel over his voice 💘🤣 フルボイスに感謝!! 🙏

((also first time drawing him & unconsciously drew him too scary looking whoops...)) 💦💦

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「おじいさま と フォウ」


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well, I'm not that far into the game yet, but so far he is quite an annoying jerk I want to punch him in the face --- but at the same time I want his chara to kick me down the stairs.... ((wait what 💦))

this guy: 😂

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((look who spent time editing that instead of working in the office))

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ディルケイで転スラパロ(笑) ←←← アニメの方しか見てないけど・・・💦

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