

I draw stuff, usually involving boobs.
Commission Status : Closed
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フォロー数:2143 フォロワー数:18283

Colored Doodle

It snowed a lot today.❄️

204 1673

Colored Doodle

"Catching a glimpse of the Moriya Shrine Priestess in a bikini on a hot summer day is but one of many possible miracles you might get to witness by visiting the Moriya Shrine!"

A weird rumor has been spreading recently for whatever reason...

361 2133

A bday gift for

When the Angel and Pepper anime comes out, who do you want voicing Angel?

125 760


A strange girl appears a few days after Halloween.
"Trick or treat, please give me something nice to eat."

115 831

A bday gift for a bud.

We here at Masked Agent Inc stan our tsundere shortstack dragon girls with huge tails.

I always told him her chonky tail looked yummy af.

36 189

"Trick or treat!"

Happy (early) Halloween everyone!

382 1929

"I'm not a Chihuaha, I'm Fuwawa!"
"I'm Fuwawa too. No Mococo." 😠

There is no way they can actually use this given how huge it is, but it was too funny an idea for me not to at least draw for fellow ruffians to see.

22 185