

I'm dead inside but my body keeps moving. Critical of the State of Alabama; it's awful. Videographer, artist, and programmer. Unemployable cripple and monster.

フォロー数:4930 フォロワー数:696

Urusei Yatsura, E195
I hope they put this guy in the remake!

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Urusei Yatsura, E161
I'm not far into this episode and already there are two points of interest. The first is the old woman, clearly a protean version of Shampoo's Grandma in Ranma 1/2.
The second is the 4th pic, where the ninja lady uses her technique "Ninpo: Konohagakure."

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Urusei Yatsura, E064
They didn't waste any time tormenting me with a short horizontal scrolling scene. There's no way I can make it work. The rain and that can will absolutely not mesh seamlessly.

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Samurai Pizza Cats, episode 16

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For whatever reason, this creature from Nagatoro episode 6 reminds me of the Yee dinosaur.

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