

NSFW writer and commissioner of cursed shit!
All art posted are commissions from respective artists and are not drawn by me!
Icon by Bob-Jiggles.

フォロー数:1326 フォロワー数:653

Blisterz Booty (Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath)

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Romulus Slag (Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction and Quest for Booty)

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Rusty Pete (Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction and Quest for Booty)

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Coach Gridiron (Bolts and Blip)

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I keep forgetting that Ratchet and Clank has some decent alien designs. Chock that up to my lack of playing the games, heh-heh. But I agree, we definitely need more smut of the various side characters in this series, for sure.

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George the Doorman (Welcome to the Wayne)

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Zebra Brothers, Sparky Black and Sparky White (Hero: 108)

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Raticus (Flying Rhino Junior High)

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