

I like to draw (soft gore/blood, also some j-music fanart (access)), I like (electronic) music, some video gaming and I loooove Yaoi *w*

フォロー数:140 フォロワー数:113

🎃Happy Halloween!!🎃

*~* access - Darkest Possession *~*

This years access Halloween fanart is strongly inspired by 幽霊図and a little less 'fun' Halloween and more 'eerie' Halloween.

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Belated B-Day present for my friend


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~ Genesis - Scribble it out ~

Little picture of my OC Genesis.

(Someone please teach me cel shading orz)

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Quick Hiro and DA doodle...

3 13

~Hiro - Hakanasa no Bi~

Remake of a Hiro-doodle I did a while ago.

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*~* Genesis - Discarded but Beautiful *~*

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