

An empty skull that enjoy drawing random stuff every day. instagarm: @ joe.austin.flynn, Looking for a job

フォロー数:3213 フォロワー数:23368

colour alt and light

4 67

Well its 4 am and i just wasted an entire day art blocked, this drawing is pure laziness

31 465

The headmaster of the seashore school of sorcery, they call him the admiral. His family was only practiced the art of diving the future but he didn’t really care for it and broke his on future to pursue his goals to mastering all forms of magic.

56 526

i drew a dwarf yesterday so here is a elf golfer

9 200

Dwarf golfer or a Dwolf

28 458

I wouldn’t tell him that he can’t be a golfer

121 1557

horn placement looked wrong

4 60

Another character for golf quest (he is married golf ball mascot man, sorry ladies)

37 602