

フォロー数:239 フォロワー数:87

Better late than never. Happy birthday bro!
So I heard you like Punpun so I put Punpun in your Punpun and Michelle joined in

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No family to love.
No place to call home.
No voice to cry suffering.
Born of God and Human.
You shall burn a blood-soaked hell to the ground.
You are the First Irregular.
You are the Punishment.

Happy birthday Sparky!!

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For people who like orenda, here's Gretel and Hansel (and Levia and Behemo ig) by the time Gluttony takes place
For people who don't know what orenda is, a fic I'm writing in which Levia and Behemo accidentally possess Hansel and Gretel instead of Elluka. Canon divergence ensues

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