Matthew Hardy.さんのプロフィール画像

Matthew Hardy.さんのイラストまとめ

Freelance writer for Markosia, Broadcast, Heavy Metal, etc. Trustee of Gaming Vs Cancer. Founder of Mad Robot Comics 🤖.…

フォロー数:1393 フォロワー数:1202

has already teased part of this page - but it's too good not to show it all.

I still can't believe I was lucky enough to work on a Sherlock Holmes story. Man I hope I did it justice.

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Wracked with guilt at not buying this monthly. Just caught up on the last 6 issues in one go - and it's a love letter to the original run - but with additional layers & the collective history of each character playing into each decision. - loving your Runaways.

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Last week of the Kickstarter. Time to get serious.

Murder Most Mundane - how many murders are too many?

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Murder Most Mundane launches on today. Quirky would be putting it mildly.......

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30 hours to go on the . Fancy a political horror comedy. With weird monsters?

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Anakin post TPM is not my Star Wars - but thoroughly enjoyed OW&A - guess 5 issues but hope ongoing?

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So a crewed Tardis spin off show then?

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Sparks of the DnA series & bunch of new characters (mind is racing). And stuff actually happens in a GotG book.

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Illuminati 1. Titania's character shines but needs be more than just new Thunderbolts to make me buy issue 2

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