

Icon by @neon_metro

Pixel Artist (5 Years), 21, Professional Teddy Bear

フォロー数:876 フォロワー数:119

There was one I was really wanting to put but it "exceeds the size limit" of twitter.

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Back in way like
2015 - 2016 when Undertale was still sorta popular
I tried merging Hexiv with Omega Flowey
Remembered it recently after me and some buddies were looking at old pics and such.

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Some stuff I did to pass the time.
Wraith (right) belongs to

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Pirsh and Herlo, Salivor, and Piver and Niste

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Auust, Eizalo, Cholis, David

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Xalion, Zhors, Acro, Arvien

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Valishol, Tilyx, Verelic, Wivlo

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Remol, Silaor, Thomas, Tarvilec

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Oirip, Pentocto, Orvo, Origle

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