

Professional Deception Artist (SonicTuber)
Channel icon art by: @TheNovika
Channel thumbnail artist: @Dy1onic

フォロー数:968 フォロワー数:5762

Super Mario Galaxy is one of those games that I thought was great but now it's really starting to grow on me. I don't know if I would say it's better than 64 or Odyssey yet but I'm definitely enjoying it a lot more now. I've been looking into this game a lot recently... 🚀🎥

5 64

What if Sonic Team's intentions is to always make good Sonic games with random dumb features that (debatably) worsen the experience to make controversy so that Sonic never dies in discussions?

54 651

"Did not age well." Hell the movement and level design in these games couldn't have aged better!

110 842

"Sonic Team needs to stop pandering to nostalgia!" *Proceeds to demand Adventure remakes* We are about to leave an era where Sega is pandering to classic nostalgia and now we are entering the era of pandering to adventure nostalgia. Mark my words.

119 1056

What's more likely?

Sally ever returning or Sonic Schoolhouse 2

13 182

Ok hear me out, Mario and Sonic crossover game would be cool. But what if we had a Sonic and Rayman crossover? We wouldn't have to deal with the nintendo BS and we get MORE Rayman. Also Ubisoft could at the very least let Sonic Team use Rayman since they don't care about him.

167 1508

Control is the most important part of a platformer, this is why I love Sonic Adventure! But this is also why I don't like Sonic Heroes...

18 203

What's your guys honest opinion on the Sonic movie? I think it's a pretty solid film, sure nothing that is Fight Club level but still pretty good.

71 766