

‘I knew you’d eat all my honey, you selfish motherf****** 🫢’ - Beyoncé. Telephone Music Video, 2010. they/them

フォロー数:1365 フォロワー数:463

I also do a lot of physical pieces as well! The price for these would be a lot more negotiable, and I’m willing to ship acrylic paintings on canvas too! Thank you for all the support 💜

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Here’s some full digital pieces I’ve done! And a mixed media design I did as well!

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Ngl it’s a wonder legends runs on the switch

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This kill screen 😭

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Third at my local after losing my first set, solo pt, I’m high key really happy with how I played, excited to play more and keep improving

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Thoughts on how much I like the ow2 characters/ who I plan to use

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we hung out twice this month

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