

I like characters and stories. He/Him

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So after concluding season 2 of our D&D campaign, instead of starting season 3 immediately, we decided to do an in-canon oneshot--DM'd by --as grunt members of the villain group, Cardinal. Here is Erik; 's character, and my character, Ricky.

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Deep in the woods there's a town where an evil conductor controlled the minds of its residence through the power of music. The bardic magic was so strong and dangerous that a local "witch-with-no-name" attempted to silence the music forever. Also there were creepy kids.

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The party finally reached Tormant Temple, where they thought the sacred gem would be safe. Unfortunately, Cardinal had already infiltrated the ranks of the church... IT WAS AN AMBUSH! But after some close(and confusing) combat, the gem was secured.

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After the family visiting and cult infiltration, we decided to leave the capital city of Flamara Dance, but not before checking out the local gameshow "Fight or Flight". They met the host, an assistant, and even the owner of the local hobbit bank! Also some lizards.

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In the backstreets of the capital city, Flamara Dance, a local street group called the Curbside Cats used to be "respected" in the area until their leaders were taken out by Cardinal. George Laforge was a calligraphy graduate who got mixed up in their bad business.

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The party spent some time in a swamp trying to recover a lost gemstone. During that time they made many froggy friends in the bullywug city of Lilydeck. Some of these frog friends were important, and others were less important. But there were undeniably--many frogs.

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Presenting the Naked Possum Crew! They're a small segment of the evil organization--Cardinal--who ambushed the party during their stay at the Naked Possum Inn. They've been fierce rivals ever since! Their leader Chestkeeper is no pushover, and her team is like a family.

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On the other hand, these are some graphics things I did recently. And only 2 of these are for D&D this time!

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Been screwing around with my website today, made this new logo for it. Can you guess what decade's aesthetic I love?

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