

Je raconte beaucoup de conneries, si vous êtes là, c'est que vous êtes des personnes de confiances et que je vous aimes bien, des fois plus que bien. 🦋

フォロー数:305 フォロワー数:13

Lastest illustrations I've worked on.

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I really like this tv show :

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HEY i drew another friend today

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hI I drew a firend today, i was planning to Do a REALLY BIG illustration but... wasn't proud of what i was doing, so, i decieded to draw MY FRIEND. (i need to work..)

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i change some stuff on my logo (shadow) and try to do smthing in Balck and white tonight ahah

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Name/Nickname: SnowPie
Age: 21
Country: France
Sexuality/gender: straight/man
Art style: *Post art pictures*
Loves: learning, music, drawing, singing, vidéo games...
Hates: spiders

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Hey i did some phone wallpapers for some of my friends (2 lol)

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