Max Mastodonさんのプロフィール画像

Max Mastodonさんのイラストまとめ

I'm Max, the Pacific Mastodon! I enjoy long walks in the Pleistocene, the exhibit hall @WesternCenter, and being cooler than mammoths.

フォロー数:375 フォロワー数:1165

Femora from 6 Pacific mastodons from Southern California. Mine is the 1st one (A). Scale=10 cm. D&E are probable females, others are probable males. A&B from , C&E from , D from , F from .

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Right femur (anterior & posterior views) of an American from Darke County, Ohio. collection.

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It’s This is from and is housed . Left tusk and 3rd molars from a ~50 yr old male. is available .

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