⋆★ Max in the Abyss ★⋆さんのプロフィール画像

⋆★ Max in the Abyss ★⋆さんのイラストまとめ

Creator of, artist/writer for Chelsea & Millie, and Agents of the Endtimes. Musicphile. Cinéaste. Heteroclite. Oneironaut. Nonsensemonger. All-round Fun Guy.

フォロー数:299 フォロワー数:545

**Shhh! You're gonna get me in trouble with the boss!**

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Milhouse is playing the theremin, and it made me think of yewwww.

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Ta-daa! It's a one-handed handstand! (I wish *I* could do that.)

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My buddy Naomi, wearing a hollowed-out zombeaver on her head — for warmth, and also for FASHIONABILITY.

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