

The world's worst flavor combination was mango and menthol. (Ryu Murakami)

フォロー数:2801 フォロワー数:6464

The more I tweak my beta Froggy the more I fall in love with it. My objective is to allow all holders the ability to create their own unique plushie. Build-A-Froggy Plushie edition.

20 92

The Garden is even better than I imagined - traded for an Azuki to match my Bean ⛩️

(Huge shoutout to , always spreading positivity with Azuki)

17 87

You have all seen our Collaboration Kigurumi traits and Collab Friends. I have been jumping on calls with founders this month to further our Iconic Interoperable Metadata. Which project should I attempt to jump on a call with next? I don’t care about FP, only that they build.

20 77

Gossip spreads like wildfire, you would be surprised what you learn about other people’s true character as you expand your network.

낮말은 새가 듣고 밤말은 쥐가 듣는다

“Birds hear the words spoken in the day, and mice hear the words spoken at night”

4 38

Mushroom heads are being slept on. Always see these on the floor. My favorite trait and with the new trait market, these mushrooms will be even better! Mushroom Gang 🍄 🐸

15 61

You homies aren’t ready for what’s coming this winter. ❄️ ❄️

14 89

DCA into FORGS( yup not frogs)

1 15

The BS Ape derivatives you guys are buying “for the community”. Buy a FORG instead you dweebs.

4 13