

23 F, Romanian |

Hobbyist Digital Artist |

I’m also autistic, so if I seem “off”, that’s why |

フォロー数:422 フォロワー数:1521

Edited Melly's face in Photoshop to look more like her current doll model. This is just for fun. 🎊😭

84 894

Edited Norton's face in Photoshop to look more like his current doll model. (Also took the irises from Melly's human render...)
This is just for fun. 🎊😭

85 671

Thinking of turning this into a series. >:3c
I'll start with the original 4 and eventually make all groups once they get revealed. I love uncanny valley.

92 816

Da Capo, but with googly eyes. 👀

26 170

Da Capo, but with googly eyes. 👀

94 639

“Here I am, lonely
Tired and lonely
Crying for home in vain
Just like a butterfly that's caught in the rain”

(Just a drawing test for a drawing software I bought; excuse the shakiness. </3)

62 205



On emotional connection. 🐸♥️
I wanted to put my thoughts on (digital) paper.

13 38