Amberly Ferrule 🐟✨さんのプロフィール画像

Amberly Ferrule 🐟✨さんのイラストまとめ

Just a snake oil salesmen peddling animation, drawings, & paper mâché

Possibly an oneironaut

Mayfly’s account: @WishorFishbones…

フォロー数:600 フォロワー数:4010

It’s so interesting since, I refused to even give it a name, just referring to it as a demon. I thought actually listening to it would be the absolute worst thing to do, but it somehow worked. Anyways, it was rough back before this lil discovery

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For a long time I’ve wanted a scarf the felt like me, finally I’ve got one! Mayfly kinda always had a scarf but it kinda went away, but my orange trench coat remained. Well now she can have a new cooler scarf!

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Hhhhhh I’m stopping for now, but like… Caravaggio squidward. Mostly finished the flesh…? Skin?

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Ive begun, you brought this horror upon thineself…

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HHH HHHHHHH I DONT THINK IVE EVER MADE A FULL ON ACTUAL REF…..!! I have one side on drawing as a ref and this one 3D model! Aside from that I just draw her a lot and she doesn’t really change much aaaaa

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DEMON DAYS!! Really wanted to turn that animated scribble into a sort of shaded thingy and try out coloring greyscale and…. I’ll definitely be using this technique more!! And… also plan on finishing this scribble

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Some colored scribbles from today! I really love crayons, pen, and highlighters all mixed together!

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Lol! That rat king is way more buff than mine!! Mines just some freaky rat with a cult. Here’s an older drawing

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Some old Frills drawings from around 2017. She could travel through the paintings of the mansion. In the new lore she’s actually the one who painted all the paintings in the mansion. Unlike Mayfly she’s not trapped and can travel around

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Ya’ll remember Frills? No? Well too bad, she’s back! Couldn’t decide on a color scheme since I’m in a very Fall kinda mood, so both might be canon? Idk! Also she has gauges. She drinks coffee and listens to Jazz. Idk what went wrong

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