🖤 { Spookyonyx} 🖤さんのプロフィール画像

🖤 { Spookyonyx} 🖤さんのイラストまとめ

- Hobbyist artist
- I like to draw girls, monsters and dinosaurs
- Practicing guitar
- n°1 Pekola fan
- Can't catch a break

フォロー数:2341 フォロワー数:2066

Mhm! There's also his old channel called SSTWL, full of old horror stories, OSTs and a small fandom that still exists after a whole decade :)

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I have good news for you...

..Have you ever heard about... LVA..? 🕵️

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My paradox pokemons, Wicked Jaws and Iron Doom! If y'all ever wanted a Chainsaw Man and a Street Fighter pokemon, there you go!

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You can choose which one you wanna draw!

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