

New Retro Wave & Metal Fan • AI Explorer • Fren of #wickedcraniums #MEVarmy #DrawnByFear #veefriends2 #Dgens || Banner: ins l_d_w_c_k

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- Payback (2022)

A new Neon Nox album is always a big joy. Feeling the F40 rattling below and the palm shadows flickering from above 😎🌴 Have a good time vibing to the textbook retrowave beats ✌️

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Today's Movie Clash Challenge

— Fear and Loathing in Hogwarts —

Put some magic in the mushrooms 🪄🍄

[my fren +me choose some
movies, randomize the list and create a combination of two of them]

Welcome to join our challenge!

D N D / loodwick

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Today's Movie Clash Challenge:

— Mad Max + Arielle —

Wet or dry?!

[my fren +me choose some
movies, randomize the list and create a combination of two of them]

Welcome to join our challenge!

D N D / loodwick

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Today's Character

— Desert Ninja+Electric Shocks+Feather Hat —

Exact vs Abstract this time 😌👌

[my fren +me choose some
subjects+features, randomize the list and create new characters]

Welcome to join our challenge!

D N D / loodwick

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Today's Character

— Centaur + Rollerskates —

To put for pair of wheels wasn’t easy for MJ!😁

[my fren +me choose some subjects+features, randomize the list and create new characters, feel free to try!]

D N D / loodwick

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Today’s Character Challenge:

— Napoleon + Jetpack —

Jetpack was tough! MJ still has to improve on this term!😅

[my fren +me choose some subjects+features, randomize the list and create new characters, feel free to try!]
D N D / loodwick

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Haha, yeah. Quite a discussion about that in the MJ discord. But you can crop if you're unsure. Skull, skeleton, bone head, all works different. I tried some deathbats yesterday, and they came pretty bizarre as well 💀

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Made a derivative of my Skull to vibe with my excitement about ai artworks, and metalish synthwave of course 🤘💀

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I needed to add the Bandana, shape the skull and repair the glasses. Original output:

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