Brian McLachlan - Complete the Questさんのプロフィール画像

Brian McLachlan - Complete the Questさんのイラストまとめ

not here anymore

フォロー数:2026 フォロワー数:1387

Hi Mallory, Macmillan cartoonist here. I've done a bunch of portraits like this one of Brian Burke and these ones of Game of Thrones characters.
More here:

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One of the Easter Eggs I put in Complete the Quest is Sharafka from . My world doesn't have teiflings, so I made him a cog-goblin (tech savvy inventors) as a riddle giver. I made sure to put in the coloured cube from when was DMing.

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Thank Sygnin! Here are some of my fav reddish pieces.

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It was better than cartoons of the time that featured dudes with super cool swords who couldn't use them to shed blood. Lots of ropes holding chandaliers cut, fighting robots, or on Conan, the star metal sword turning enemies into snake people that got teleported away. Big duds.

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My kids and I love reading the Margo Maloo books together. The authentic-feeling, gorgeous spooky city is the perfect setting for danger, drama, & humour. The third one lives up to the high bar Weing has set with the others.

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Hello Ms. Fraser, I draw wild fantasy cartoons, if Capstone is has a project that matches.

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This week's 💭Deep Thought Balloon💭finishes my deep dive into writing comedy. I get into the rhythm of lists and how jokes affect your longer form stories. Can you name the characters in that first image?

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I'm a cartoonist who specializes in humor, fantasy, comics, graphic novels, creating puzzles, games, and RPGs, especially middle grade.

I want to draw more comics, design characters, create puzzles, and help build your narratives.


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Pictures from tomorrow's return of my 💭Deep Thought Balloon💭 videos. This one's on tricksters tales, and how and why we joke.

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