

Husband, father, teacher, #HBARbarian, #HBARNFTs, #BTC, #Ordinals, Hangry Barboon lover.

フォロー数:1168 フォロワー数:4389

Every holder of should prioritize the security of their precious bars. One day soon each bar will be worth more than most realize. Lucky, for believers in , the has been built by with this in MIND
To give all our community peace of MIND.

7 48

What’s being built by is incredibly exciting. All need to join their discord https://t.co/bZ05fQh1dx and take a closer look. Sneak peaks of their available. Combining IRL business with will be customary practice

4 25

Saw a dude with 7000 followers buy a masterpiece for 3500 and advertise his purchase, then it 3 days later for 2500 bars. He must not know about the movement. community listen up. DO NOT PAPER HAND your BOONS. Big things coming..

3 33

This weekend, in discord, President announced he is leaning towards creating a new token ID for the rebel collection and airdropping the art to the wallets of current rebel owners. Could go down as the most valuable airdrop in history!

11 48

What if all the cool kids on were referred to as HBarboonians?

1 17

The total NFT market cap grew 11664% in 2 years.
are in their infancy and have yet to experience a bull run.
Translation- it might be a good idea for all to at least have some percentage of their portfolios in blue chip NFT’s.

11 49

Solana’s top NFT project has a market cap of $83,440,000 in the middle of a bear market. market cap is $739,000.
That’s a 114x from here!
When I say Boon you say moon!
When I say moon you say soon!

14 63

Majority of people in the world think crypto is a scam. 99% of people I talk to have never heard of . Biggest percentage of investors aren’t active members of the incredible community, I was one of them until recently, Translation-

35 66

24 hour NFT volume in $. Ethereum 41,000,000
Solana 4,500,000
Hedera 14,000
I know all believe that is superior in so many ways. What will happen to the price of when others in the world wake up? Get in before they wake up. NFA

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