

invalid, unironic and loving it thanks | Nitzer | M | 23, DO NOT FOLLOW IF UNDER 18 |

フォロー数:152 フォロワー数:96

I looked up zatch bell bc I was trying to remember the plot and these two fucking mamodo woke up some part of my 10 yr old brain like a weeaboo mk ultra

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these pics have been next to each other in my camera roll and I lose my mind every single time I can't explain it

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I don't take constructive criticism on my tweets thanks

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I love you I do not care if nagai clearly made you to be mean I'm getting custody

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has a dream about someone, wakes up to a text from them sent just minutes ago

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when your sugars are finally in the range they're supposed to be, but bc your body is unused to it being that low it's throwing a total shit fit

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I do find it interesting tho that every time they insinuate lobo has a kid, it's been a daughter... no objections ofc, just kinda funny to me

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