

birds are terrific, and also morally superior to their/our fellow creatures || she/her || @LakeFama 's biggest fan

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omg happy birthday to dev ❤️❤️

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my brother launched his etsy store 🥳 if you like amazing surrealist inkwork and meaningful poetry check it out!!
i just bought these two stickers for my quiver 😌

8 33

Lake and I have been together for seven years ❤️💕💖 happy us day 🥰

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me bringing lake sliced mango in a bowl while theyre at their desk working 2 jobs from home

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what my sister and i think we're like when discussing the tangled series vs what we're actually like

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pansexual flag 💖💛💙

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2.) I love the word Sapphic also because of its origin. The word comes from the poet Sappho, a woman who was born on the Greek isle of Lesbos around 630 BC, who wrote so much about how she loved women that not only did her name come to mean love between women,

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I love gettin twitter messages from lake

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I think things started going wrong when we stopped putting sea monsters on maps

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