

(They/Them) An artist /I play I-no/ I talk about Fighting games, Toku, Sonic, Haruhi Suzumiya and Persona.
Art account: @MegasCraig

フォロー数:812 フォロワー数:704

I take it you don't like cheeto tails then 🧐

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Oh shit, I'm redesigning sonic OC's again

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I'm caught up now time to wait for issue 50

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I've seen Surge for months in my timeline not knowing anything about her and now I've read the first issue of Impostor Syndrome and I'm very interested in what she will bring to the comics

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he better fucking keep it

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only complaint I have with the comics is shadow
This ain't it chief

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Done with Bad Guys
I fucking love the villains in the IDW comics especially Starline he is just fantastic

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Just thought Mimic looked funny in this panel

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