

Crypto-and NFT-fan and fullblood Vampire #SVSNFT. #FamousFoxFederation #DitoThePug #Llamaverse #NinjaSquad
#Magicallygg Pro Analytics Marketplace Ambassador

フォロー数:2438 フォロワー数:1653

Today I minted my chalice NFT from for only 50 $BLOOD, so every holder (also single vamp holder holding since december) has a fair chance! Thats what I reall love at . They not only care about whales but appreciate every single holder.

7 50

Since the release of , I wanted to have a laser moth bat! And today I got one and she. is already collecting $BLOOD with rarity bonus. love the idea of the laser moth eating bat! It is my favorite trait! You did such a great job.

4 48

I bought at the $BLOOD shop from a Sneaky vampiress NFT just for $BLOOD, which my SVS families produce. It literally cost me nothing (even no gas has to be paid in the shop) and see what a beatuty I got! Welcome home sparkling lady vamp!

16 80

Love my newest vampiress! My first succubus trait. She looks so stylish. Thank you for creating such phenomenal artworks for . This is the projects I have most faith in, especially since I personally met at event

9 61

The $BLOOD revamp of is just dope!!!! I spent 1500 of my collected $BLOOD for this vampire! So it was actually for me. I'm so hyped that I just bought today another bat (with bloodbag), so I collect even more $BLOOD

14 47

WOWWWWW! Just got my coffins for my perfect pairs held and guess what I got two Tier 1 coffins and a GOLDEN Tier 3 coffin. I'm so happy. This made my day! Had a hard time in the last weeks and this surprise cheered me up s much. Thank you ! I will hold them in honor!!!

9 103

Damn! I could not resist anymore. The team of is constantly building and soon the $BLOOD revamp will go live. With the new system sets of SVS NFTs will get a $BLOOD-Boost, therefore I snagged another vamp. Moreover, I saw this rank bat and I had to buy it too.

22 63

Thats simple. Look at my ! It is cuteness overload. did an amazing job. And look at my lovely angel trait, one of the rarest that exist!!!!!

2 13

Let me introduce you to my perfect pairs of vampire and vampiresses! They will be always together and stay with me for the longterm. They are immortal and so is their love for each other. First my main vampire with his pretty-shadowy cosplay lady vamp!

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