Rockin | Comms Openさんのプロフィール画像

Rockin | Comms Openさんのイラストまとめ

19 | Male | Hey, im Rockin. I draw n’ stuff. & hope to bring the best to my fam. Banner:@nine_ilust🦈

フォロー数:590 フォロワー数:3659

This other form, “Overcome Rockin”

is basically his “Overdrive” form but with major stat boosts for his full potential

but i scrapped the form, i thought the “stronger form for better advantage” idea was ‘pointless’

he doesnt need to be beerus level strong

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WAY BEFORE Rockin, there was a purple Lucas oc as my sona

cause i mained Lucas in smash originally (& like mother 3)

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before Doppel, Rockin’s original antagonist was just a black version of him called “Rockins Shadow”

but i wanted to change the idea a bit in the present

so i gave him the origin that hes a personification of Rockin’s anger, hatred, & negative emotions he always keeps to himself

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a fact about this design

This is Rockin’s version of Mega Mans Rush adapter

“Flame adapter” (or Dash armor)

if he combines with dash, his speed is a lil’ bit faster & his attacks have fire aspects to them

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He has the choice to take off his helmet, THEN put on his met helmet

but he chooses to wear it on top cause it looks more “stylish”

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his NES colors would be Gray & Orange

NOT Black & Yellow,

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in the past i considered Rockin having 2 ‘friend’ robot masters

galaxy man, with the story being he taught Rockin how to use his own energy to fly

and hornet man…cause he likes Rockin’s colors…

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