

Kadang gambar tipis-tipis, nonton tokusatsu seperlunya, latte sedosisnya

フォロー数:782 フォロワー数:280

Commission awal tahun mulai beres satu per satu. Bisa dibilang coloring paling satisfying dari pengalaman coloring yang sudah sudah.

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What could be a better news than knowing a new Splinter Cell game is being developed and to see my beloved Sam Fisher kicking things.

Unless Konami releases new but better Metal Gear series or Bend Studio continuing its Syphon Filter franchise, I dunno.

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Pengen banget bisa baca komiknya mas yang muncul di .

Dulu liat ini sliweran di timeline dan gokil artstyle-nya.

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Lebih seneng yg kanan biasanya sih

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I don't have anything to share other than HEY I open commission for illustration!

Get yourself illustrated through here or DM me~

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Semua masih prosesnya tradisional, digambar di HVS, scan, edit di photoshop. Waktu itu masih belum into digital, tangan masih kagok.

Tapi kalau ditelisik ke belakang, terasa banget evolusi gambar dari 2014 hingga sekarang: dari B/W sampai sekarang color.

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I miss nongkrong di angkringan and their STMJ

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The artstyle is the apple of this game. I love it!

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